Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This Blog will examine the newest innovation within robotics.
Site Rules:
1)Anyone may comment. However please site your source.
2)Any thing excluding robotics will be removed by admin.



Olivia Albritton said...

Robots can be found in many places. Our group will discuss Robots in the work place, at home, and in health care. Our goal is to teach you where they first came from, where you can find them today, and where they are going to be seen in the future.

Olivia Albritton said...

My part of the project was to research Robots found in the home. Most people have heard of the Roomba, a robot vacuum cleaner that kind of has a mind of it's own. Come to find out as I researched, I found that more and more robots are entering homes around the world. One Robot that I will discuss in my part of the presentation will be Nuvo, a Robot that was made by the company ZMP inc. based in Japan. Stay tuned to find out more about Robots in the home...

Olivia Albritton said...

Our Blog will be updated soon...