Friday, November 21, 2008

Creating Robots With A Mind Of Their Own!

This video on YouTube is about how they are trying to develop robots that can think for themselves and do tasks that are too dangerous for people. Although they are in the very beginning stages of development and not much progress has been made, I think that it may not be in our best interest to develop robots that can think for themselves. This may end up being like Irobot.................what do you guys think?


Riley S said...

i really don't think that this a threat. i know that people ar trying to create these types of robots but i just don;t know how successfule they will be. i mean come on, most people in U.S. cann't even think for themselves!

Christopher Persandi said...

Well just think maybe they will be able to make a perfect mind and then every person will get this robotic mind, and everyone will be equally does that sound?